Saturday, November 11, 2006

I done been tagged!

1. If you were a muppet, and had to pick ANOTHER muppet to be your best friend, who would you pick?

Beaker (only since I didn't want to copy Scott), but I'd have to have Dr. Honeydew translate for me.

2. Would you rather live on Sesame Street, with the Muppets on the Muppet Show, or down at Fraggle Rock?


3. If you were forced to date a Walt Disney Charcter (human or animal), who would it be?

This is tough, but I've gotta go with:

4. If you could only eat one vegetable ever again, what would it be?


5. Do you have any recurring dreams?

I still have the occasional dream where I work at Shell, only there's triple the number of pumps and I'm working alone. I still get through it though, I was the best gas jockey ever.

6. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

I'd say flying, but with my luck I'd get hit by a plane or something. Let's go with shapeshifting, that way if I needed to fly, I could just turn into a bird.

7. Did you rename your Cabbage Patch Kids, or keep them with the name Xaiver Roberts gave them? What were they called?

No cabbage patch kids here.

RANDOM FACT: Scott and I used to make parachute men out of GI Joe's using twine and shopping bags. We would throw them out the 2nd floor window in my bedroom and watch them glide down. There are probably still one or two stuck in the tree in the front yard. We also learned that you had to wrap the parachute properly otherwise, well, things don't end quite so well.

8. First Concert you ever went to?

Our Lady Peace, early 2000.

9. Does it bother you that Sebastian Bach from Skid Row was acting in Gilmore Girls?

I have no idea who that is. I do know who Skid Row is though. I'm aware of the Gilmore Girls.

10. What are the Best 3 Simpsons episodes?

1. Na-na na-na na-na na-na LEA-DER!

2. Homer smokes weed. ("We have a kitchen!?")

3. Stonecutters.

11. BONUS QUESTION (since Sara didn't include a #11). What was the last book you read?

Treason by Orson Scott Card (not as good as Ender's Game, but then what is?)

12. Who do you tag?

Jonathan, Dani (since she never posts to her blog), and anyone else who might read this.


Medieval said...

1. If you were a muppet, and had to pick ANOTHER muppet to be your best friend, who would you pick?


2. Would you rather live on Sesame Street, with the Muppets on the Muppet Show, or down at Fraggle Rock?

Fraggle Rock was pretty neat. Though I hate living underground.

3. If you were forced to date a Walt Disney Charcter (human or animal), who would it be?
Most of the Disney female characters are whiney needy types. Maybe Mulan? Not sure if you want a woman who can kick your ass, though :)

4. If you could only eat one vegetable ever again, what would it be?
Shrooms, definately. Onions/bell pepper a close second.

5. Do you have any recurring dreams?

None that I can recall, though I'm sure I do.

6. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Like the guy on Heroes, control of local space-time continuom is pretty neat. Lotta responsibility with that power, though.

7. Did you rename your Cabbage Patch Kids, or keep them with the name Xaiver Roberts gave them? What were they called?

I know Dani had some.

8. First Concert you ever went to?
OLP, with James/Scott.

9. Does it bother you that Sebastian Bach from Skid Row was acting in Gilmore Girls?

I watch Gilmore Girls once and a while, not sure who that is.

10. What are the Best 3 Simpsons episodes?

The 3 you listed are classics, but this question is simply too difficult to answer. It would take too much thought on my part.

I'll nominate a couple:
Pig flying through air "It's still good, it's still good. It's just a little airborn, it's still good.." Burns "I'll donate a million when pigs fly".

The treehouse of horror with Homer travelling through time via toaster, the Shining parody.

11. BONUS QUESTION (since Sara didn't include a #11). What was the last book you read?

A Brief History of Nearly Everything (by Bill Bryson).

12. Who do you tag?
Dani and John as well. I'd like to read their answers. ;)

Medieval said...

You know what bugs me about this new blogger beta? They made the template editing much easier, but the FUCKING blogs are still designed for 800x600 res. What the hell?

Anyway to change that (ie make them wider)? I did mine via custom html and image files, but that's a lot of work, and not very good if you want to change the template every once and a while.