Saturday, February 04, 2006

I don't want to alarm anyone

but one of Detroit's local weather guys just warned me that some places in Ontario are experiencing "THUNDERSNOW"

It's my word of the day. He must have found the thundersnow on quadruple doppler 8 million.


Scott McCarthy said...

Spooky. Funny don't remember learning about thundersnow in any of my meteorology class'.
We got hit here last night though, split one of our trees almost in 1/2, but this was caused by the weight of heavy wet snow, not lightening or terrorism.
Yeah and don't get me started with the whole doppler hipe lol. All radar works on the doppler effect.

Medieval said...

But Doppler sounds so cool!!! :)

James said...

We got a bit of wet snow, but nothing crazy. I was out driving in it, and it was nothing really. The worst part was pumping gas in it.

Zutroy said...

CTV got infected with the THUNDERSNOW!