Saturday, April 09, 2005

Badger, badger, badger, badger...

you know, I saw this thing like a year ago. I knew what it was, and knew that the second I clicked the link it'd be in my head for the next week and a half. And yet, I couldn't help but click it. I think I enjoy punishing myselft.

Badger badger badger badger badger.....It's still playing in the background.

Thanks for bringing this menace back into my life Sara.

Anyway, on the topic of punishment, I had a staff meeting this morning, and on the ride home from work it hit me: I left for work at 8am, and got home at 5:45 pm, and I was paid for four of those hours. Now granted the staff meeting lasted for 1 and a half of those hours, and we don't get paid for our staff meetings, but still. Oh well, at least I've only got a few months left before graduation and probably grad school. And one of the best things about grad school? No spending almost 4 hours of my weekend travelling on and waiting for busses.

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger

Oh my god, I should have done my climate change presentation on the effect of the climate on badger populations, I could have had this thing playing in the background the whole time. Why must I always have the greatest ideas when it's too late. It's like George Costanza's "jerk store" incident.


Zutroy said...

You're 6 badgers over and 2 mushrooms shot.

Also, I'm wirting this while still drunk/stoned/whatever. Hey!

James said...

Wow, drunken blog reading. On a related note, anyone hear from Jay yet?

Medieval said...

Yeah, I talked to him today.

After me and Kimmy put him to his bed last night, she wrote him a letter saying that he should call me regarding his glasses.

They were pretty mangled. I think he sat on them. They were already kinda broken, so no biggie I guess ;)