Tuesday, January 16, 2007


This is from the Wall Street Journal:

"Half of all children are below average in intelligence"

Well, thanks for the tip Captain Obvious. Did you know that 25% of people in Canada make up a quarter of the Country's population? I bet you didn't.

Link (found on Fark)

(BTW, I'm aware that technically average!=median, but still, it doesn't matter how smart the kids are...even if the average IQ among school children was 250, half of the kids would still be below average.)

No wonder Bush wants to ask the question "Is our children learning?"


Medieval said...

Considering teaching myself, I don't like the attitude of whoever wrote this article.

Sure, certainly, 50% of kids are "below average intelligence" ;)

This article makes it look like teacher's can't do anything about these 50%, and should just give up or something.

ElaineMI said...

Tell I it ain't so