Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Amazing Race

This is my all time favorite reality show. Now that isn't a big pool to choose from, since the only other ones I watch are Survivor and recently Big Brother. And even then, The Amazing Race is the only one I actually plan ahead to watch. The others are more flipping through the channels and saying, "Oh yeah, Survivor's on".

Anyway, I was extremely disappointed that the Survivor couple is on there. It reeks of desperation from CBS. And if they happen to win, they damn well better donate the money. One of them already one on Survivor (I think it was the allstars one). They don't need any more money.

So, I'm looking over the people in this Race at and I'm noticing more and more the "token" people.

For example, I see a picture of Ray and Deana, and I can almost guarantee that they will be screaming at each other every week. Then of course there's the token senior couple, the token brothers, etc. And while the eye candy has been nice in recent seasons, I'd love to see a season with no "Dating Models" or "Dating Actors" or "Actor/Models". This isn't a soap opera, just pick people with personality and some sense of intelligence and the show will work fine.

Here's to another season of the only reality show on TV worth dedicating an hour of your week to.


Medieval said...

In general, I dislike reality TV, but it has had it's moments.

-Watching Simon (American idol) rip into some of these so called singers. Funny stuff. NOTE: only good part of the show.

-The first season of Surreal Life wasn't too bad. No stupid goals every 5 minutes.

Scott McCarthy said...

The Amazing Race is infact the best reality show going. Between watching Chinese cab drivers drive right by americans, psycho men about to haul off and smack their girlfriends until there cave man brains register the fact that there is a camera pointed at them, and all of the little twists and turns, what more could you ask for?

James said...

That was one of the highlights of last season was the whole cab driver thing. Granted I feel bad for the people who fell behind because of it, but it's fun watching these people break down because they can't get a cab.

Of course you have to take the bad with it as well, like having the female in the winning pair being a racist. I can't remember exactly what she said, but wasn't it something to the effect of "these people live in such depressing conditions, and yet they are still allowed to breed". I know that was the essence of the comment. I hated that she won.

Scott McCarthy said...

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about her being racist. She said quite a few comments that made me and Sara look at each other like "did she just say what I think she said". Worst part was she did'nt seem to learn a thing.
Also I don't know if it has happened yet or not but the crazy dude who kept going to beat up his girlfriend is supposed to be on Dr.Phil with her. That should be entertaining.