Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dani California

I absolutely love this new Chili Peppers song. They have a great feel for writing sing-along, driving in your car summer music. (You can get a listen at their myspace page).

The one thing I've noticed with them is that they tend to write a lot about California...but seeing as they're from there I guess that makes sense. I think I need to release an album of songs about Windsor. Possible song titles include:

"Ballad of the Lost Arena"
"Drink the Night Away"
"I Can't Breathe"
"Don't Drink the Water"

Any other suggestions?


Sara and Scott said...

Apparently Dani California has a story behind it... I forget exactly what it is but its about two girls, one from the song Californication and some other song... apparently its like some kind of continuation.

Anyway, my vote is decent song with lameass title.

Medieval said...

I rather liked the song :)

I think I'm partial to the name of the song because it has Dani's name in it.. heheh :)