Wednesday, August 10, 2005


So I gave my presentation about BoreIS today (BoreIS is the software I've written for my thesis project, for those that don't know).

It went rather well. I was nervous, and my mouth was really dry by the end, but I got through it unscathed. I stumbled once or twice, but other than that it went well. I also forgot to discuss a couple things, but that's okay since it ended up as a 19 minute presentation, and I had 20 minutes. I was at my best answering questions afterward, as I usually am. Now the fun begins, because I have to give this presentation again in a couple weeks in Toronto at the IAMG conference. Except there I only have 15 minutes including questions, whereas today it took me 19 minutes just for the presentation, no questions. So I've got some trimming to do. I have to say though, considering this was the first time I've given a presentation with no notes at all I did pretty darn well.

Of course when I typically give a presentation for a class I just have a basic knowledge of the subject, and if I stray from my notes I lose my place. However, this is a project that I've built from the ground up for the last eight months, so I can ad-lib a little more and just talk about the slides.

It's quite the load off though, now I can concentrate on scrambling to get the rest of my course work done.


Medieval said...

AHHH! Soon all of us will be getting Blog spam.

When will the lunacy end? :)

Sara and Scott said...

Okay SERIOUSLY... who does this ad appeal to? Seriously... who buys stocks based on advice from BLOG SPAM?

James said...

I guess if people are dumb enough to try it...I don't know.