Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Now I'm Angry

Alright, so I'm playing through Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. I played the original, and it's up there with Final Fantasy 7 as one of my favourite games. Awesome story, great visuals, it was like being an actor in a movie. And before I go any farther, if you haven't played KOTOR II, I may spoil some things, so if you don't want that, stop reading.

Okay, with that out of the way, I'm playing along, enthralled in the story, and I can tell I'm getting to the end of the game. I come up to the final battle, and it was the most anticlimatic battle I've ever had in a video game. What pissed me off most, is that after you beat her she summons these floating lightsabres to try and kill you, and while you're fighing them she just stands there. After you beat them, she doesn't even try to fight, she just talks. Then she starts telling you about what's going to happen in the future (if you ask her to). I figured I'd get a video of each character and what they end up doing, but instead, I get a 4 or 5 sentence explanation of SOME OF THE CHARACTERS. Some of them she just says "I cannot see their future". What the hell kinda crap is this? I'm waiting for something to happen and it doesn't. Your ship comes and gets you and you fly away into the credits. Even in the last conversation she gives you a few options as to how you may spend your time after the battle, but you never get to choose. Then there's the freakin droid thing that never got resolved. You use this one droid to set up this thing to blow up the planet as a last resort, and the droid waits there for your command to blow up the planet...which you never get a chance to give...and the planet blows up anyway. Also, there was an evil droid that was supposed to try and stop the good droid who was waiting for your command. If you gave the command, the evil droid would try and stop the good droid...but you never find out what happens with them.

You never even get to talk to the other members of your party after the final battle. It's so damn frustrating to spend almost 30 hours getting to the end of a game and have it ruined due to the most crappy ending ever. I was all ready to play through it again until the ending, now I'll never play it again. It's like the developers just ran out of time and didn't bother to finish the game.

Here's the ultimate metaphor. This game is the opposite of The Sixth Sense. The Sixth Sense was a crappy movie with a good ending. KOTOR II was a good game with a crappy ending. Crappy isn't the word. It's beyond crappy. It'd be like watching the last Lord of the Rings movie and when Frodo finally gets to Mount Doom, and is struggling to chuck the ring into the fire, it cuts to a scene of Frodo saying "Well, I through the ring in the fire, the end." And it just cuts to black.

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