Thursday, July 20, 2006

YouTube + Boredom =

1337 Final Jeopardy Wager ... likely only the nerds in the audience will get this one.

The Ken Jennings you never thought you'd see:

Taking a huge crap (sorry, inside joke):

Peter Griffin rules:

Me fail english, that's unpossible:

A chicken is a bird, but a cow is an animal...I see:

PumpCast News:


Sara and Scott said...

I don't get the 1337
What's the joke?

James said...

Basically, it's geek-speak for "leet", which is derived from "elite". It's a gaming/techno-nerd type thing.

More info here:

It's basically internet slang for the techno-hacker type. It falls under the same umbrella as "You got pwned", or "You are teh suxxor".

There's actually a firefox extension which translates webpages into "leetspeak".

With my hatred of poor english, you can imagine how annoying writing this comment was. :)

Sara and Scott said...

"You got pwned", or "You are teh suxxor"

I'm so not getting it.

I share your hatred of poor English, therefore I will not investigate this any further, lest my head explode.

Medieval said...

Hey, taking a huge crap (or some variation thereof) actually fit the puzzle :)

James said...

Good call, reading that wikipedia article will do that.

I never actually "got" it myself, I don't see the appeal.

As far as I can tell it's a bunch of people who live on the internet who think it's cool to butcher the language. It's like the "cool nerd" thing (is that an oxy moron?).

Look at it this way, I'm a guy who spends his days happily researching techniques for representing knowledge and using those techniques to move data and describe concepts related to a given domain, as well as using AI techniques to do cool things with the data once you have it. That's a pretty nerdy thing to be researching.

And yet when I see people use leetspeak, my first thought is "Damn that's nerdy!", or "Get out of your parents' basement and join us in the real world!".

James said...

I think Wheel of Fortune would be far more interesting if they let Matt make the puzzles.

Oh, and we need Jonathan here to describe the leet thing. He's one of those uber-geeks that would know exactly what it was and what it's historical context was.

Medieval said...

Me and Dani watch Wheel of Fortune almost everyday. Good hosts, good show.

I can't *STAND* Jeopardy though. I'd like it if it had a different host.

Trebek is an ass. He always has this attitude " I know everything and you all suck". Of course Trebek, because you have the damn answer key.. bah. :)

Medieval said...

I usually vote against the pretentious, arrogant jerks like Trebek ;) Never met the guy in real life, he just comes on real strong like that on the show ;)

To clarify, I think Sajak >>>> Trebek, not Jeopardy > WoF.
