Friday, May 26, 2006

We're All Doomed!

If a crackpot says it, it must be true.


This guy says that he had a premonition that is backed up by scientific data that an asteroid is going to hit the Atlantic Ocean and the resulting tusnami will destroy the east coast. When does he think this will happen?

May 25th.

That's right, this thing is going to kill us all...yesterday.

BUT WAIT! Now, all of a sudden, there's a 48 hour window on his crackpot theory, centered on May 25th at midnight...meaning that it actually could happen as late as...this morning. Hmm....

I love how this guy ties in completely unrelated happenings to his theory claiming to reinforce it. He says that the FEMA exercise at the gulf coast yesterday (which was completely botched, though that's another topic) was proof that he's right. I see.

* Channeling Family Guy *

Tom Tucker: We now go to Ollie Williams with the blackie asteroid forecast, Ollie. what do you see?
Tom: Thanks Ollie.

* End Chanelling *

I do give this guy credit, he's (sort of) sticking to his guns, despite an overwhelming onslaught of evidence against his premonition. So what if NASA says that this asteroid is going to miss the earth by several thousand km, this guy has a picture of the asteroid on his web page. Who are you going to believe. I mean, this guy has a picture of something, which is proof that it's going to hit us.

LOOK! I've got proof that David Hasselhoff, Gary Coleman, and Mr. T are conspiring to kill me! I posted their pictures on my webpage, and therefore it is true!

See, undeniable proof that these three are trying to kill me.

Oh, and if this guy turns out to be right after he expands his prediction window to 48 days instead of 48 hours, I'll be glad to retract my opinions and apologize to the crackpot.

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