Monday, March 27, 2006

Bird Flu? Mad Cow? Don't Worry.

Soon you'll be able to....

Grow your own meat!

That's right, scientists are growing meat from a handful of cells, they say it tastes like typical processed meat (ie chicken nuggets, hamburger, etc).

Now, I like meat, but growing my own meat in a machine on my kitchen counter isn't something I find particularly appealing.


Medieval said...


Sure you can grow probably equivalent to grade F ground hamburg at home, but really, who would want to ?

Now when they can grow, for next to nothing, a AAA+ juicy top sirloin or New York cut of steak, I'm in.

James said...

Yeah, the article also added that it would probably cost more to grow the meat yourself...though at least you could be assured it wasn't diseased or anything.

ElaineMI said...

Growing your own meat? EGADS!! There's a fungus amungus!!

I thought that was what hot dogs were???